December 17, 2024

Tentative Subdivision Map No. 2024-0001 – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Notice is hereby given that the City of Waterford has prepared an Initial Study (IS) of environmental effects and intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for Architectural Site Plan Review 2024-0002, Rezone 2024-0002 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 2024-0001. The City of Waterford is the Lead Agency for the project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The Proposed Project consists of an amendment to Planned Community (PC) (Rezone) and the subdivision of 3.61-acres into fifty-three (53) single-family residential homes, a stormwater basin, guest parking area, and other associated improvements. The Project site is bounded by vacant and commercial uses to the north, Washington Road to the south, S. Pasadena Avenue to the east, and vacant lands to the west. The Project site is specified as Assessor Parcel Number 080-045-023.

Draft Notice of Intent – TMAP 2024-0001

Public Review Draft ISMND_Waterford Subdivision 2024-0001

101 E. Street
Waterford, CA 95386
Phone: (209) 874-2328
Fax: (209) 874-9656
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