
Local Road Safety Plan

In 2020, the City of Waterford was awarded a state grant from Caltrans to perform a Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP). The LRSP grant application included a citywide analysis of the roadway system in Waterford comprising of the current collisions patterns and high-risk roadway
characteristics (systemic analysis). Furthermore, the Waterford’s goal is to identify safety countermeasures to help mitigate the City’s primary crash type trends and reduce the overall collision severity.
The LRSP is a collaborative process that is similar to a Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) except a LRSP has a local leadership group that represents the 5 E’s (not just engineering) andpublic outreach. The 5 E’s of traffic safety include Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Emergency Services, and Emerging Technologies.

Waterford LRSP


Measure L

Measure L is the Transportation Ordinance and Expenditure Plan approved by Stanislaus County voters on November 8, 2016. The measure raised the sales tax in Stanislaus County on April 1, 2017, by one-half cent for a total period of 25 years to improve local streets and roads, improve connectivity and reduce congestion.

Measure L includes strong taxpayer safeguards to ensure that projects and programs approved by voters are funded and delivered. The Measure L Oversight Committee provides an enhanced level of accountability for expenditures made under the Plan to ensure that all voter mandates are carried out and that the financial integrity and performance of the program is maintained.


Street Sweeping

The City has a contract with Gilton to perform periodic and frequent street sweeping throughout the residential and commercial areas of the City. Street sweeping removes the accumulations of trash, leaves and dirt within the gutters, and helps the city to maintain an aesthetically pleasing environment, as well as to comply with various Federal and State Water Quality requirements.

The Gilton Street Sweeper operates on a rotating schedule,  splitting the City of Waterford between the West Area and East Area on alternating Mondays and Tuesday.


Rain and City-observed legal holidays are the two reasons for cancellation of scheduled street sweeping on both the residential and commercial routes. No “make-up days” are scheduled when street sweeping is canceled.

  1. Rain: Street sweeping is canceled on rainy days when runoff fills the gutters. Steady rain, not just showers, is usually needed to warrant cancellation.
  2. Holidays: It is City policy to cancel street sweeping on the City’s legal holidays. There are ten City holidays a year (note that they aren’t exactly the same as Federal holidays).

City Legal Holidays

  1. New Years Day
  2. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  3. Presidents Day
  4. Memorial Day
  5. Independence Day
  6. Labor Day
  7. Veteran’s Day
  8. Thanksgiving Day
  9. Day After Thanksgiving
  10. Christmas Day
101 E. Street
Waterford, CA 95386
Phone: (209) 874-2328
Fax: (209) 874-9656
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