Measure L Citizens Oversight Committee


Measure L is the Transportation Ordinance and Expenditure Plan approved by Stanislaus County voters on November 8, 2016. The measure raises the sales tax in Stanislaus County by one-half cent for a total period of 25 years to improve our local streets and roads, improve connectivity and reduce congestion. This money is administered by the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) and pays for specific voter-approved transportation projects for local street and road improvements, and regional projects and transit programs specified in the Plan.

Measure L calls for an independent Citizens Oversight Committee to oversee compliance with the Ordinance as specified in the Transportation Ordinance and Plan.

The responsibilities of the 10-member Measure L Citizens Oversight Committee are to:

  • Ensure all transportation revenue collected from Measure L is spent in accordance with the Measure L Ordinance
    and Expenditure Plan;
  • Hold public meetings as necessary regarding the expenditure and status of funds generated by Measure L;
  • Review independent audits of the expenditure of tax funds and implementation of the programs and projects
    in the Expenditure Plan; and
  • Issue an annual report on its findings regarding compliance with the requirements of the Expenditure Plan and the
    Ordinance to the StanCOG Board.

Any Stanislaus County citizen 18 years or older may apply to serve on the Measure L Citizens Oversight Committee.

For more information on selection criteria, and to apply, download the Measure L Oversight Committee Application.

101 E. Street
Waterford, CA 95386
Phone: (209) 874-2328
Fax: (209) 874-9656
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