Residential Trash & Recycling Programs









The City of Waterford is contracted with Gilton Solid Waste Management for solid waste collection, bulky item pickups and e-waste collection. To set up trash collection service or ask billing questions, please call (209) 527-3781 or visit their website at

What day is my trash pickup?
What goes where: Two-bin collection system
What to do with recyclables
Bulky item pickup
How do I dispose of…?


Also Visit:

Cal Recycle

Stanislaus County Recycles

What day is my trash pickup?

Waterford Garbage Routes

What goes where: Waterford’s two-bin collection system

The monthly rate for residential service entitles you to once per week pick up of one standard (96 gallon) black garbage bin, and one standard (96 gallon) green organic bin.  All garbage must be in the bins, secure from animals, and placed out for collection no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection.

Gilton uses state-of-the-art “One-Pass” residential collection vehicles. They are fully automated and capable of collection of two waste streams at the same time.

What goes in the black can?

Accepted Materials:

  • General household trash, food waste, soiled food wrappers, incandescent light bulbs

Do Not Include:

  • Dirt, rock, sod, concrete, construction debris, hot ashes, liquids, electronics, hazardous waste such as oil, gas, paint or batteries.
  • For non-hazardous liquids such as cooking or vegetable oil, solidify the liquid by mixing it with an absorbent like kitty litter, saw dust or even newspapers. Once the liquid is in “solid” form, it can go in the regular black trash can. Do not pour down drains or sinks as it will damage pipes.
What goes in the green can?

Accepted Materials:

Grass, leaves, wood chips, tree branches, sawdust, garden trimmings, green plants/weeds, food scraps, fruits and vegetables, paper towels, paper napkins, junk mail, magazines, phone books or cardboard.

Do Not Include:

Garbage, plastic bags, aluminum, glass, metal, plastics, concrete or asphalt, toxic materials, electronics, animal waste or dead animals.

What to do with recyclables


It is recommended that you self-haul your recyclables to a recycling or buy-back center.

As of May 1st, 2019, you can self-haul your recyclables to the City of Waterford Commingled Collection Site, Located at the Waterford Ball Field Parking lot, at the end of A Street. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, from 7am to 3pm

Bulky item pickup

Gilton will pickup bulky items for disposal by appointment only. The program is only for customers paying for residential garbage service. Residents are granted  two (2) free bulky item pickups for calendar year.

Acceptable Items:

Refrigerators & Freezers
Water Heaters
Air Conditioning Units
Washing Machines & Dryers
Bath Tubs & Hot Tubs
Tables & Chairs
Mattresses & Bed Frames
Patio Furniture
Lawn Mowers
Exercise Equipment
Up to 10 pieces of wood (2x4s/plywood/scrap, etc.)

Unacceptable Items:

No Automobile Parts
No Tires
No Bags or Boxes full of trash
No Clothing, Loose Trash, or anything small enough to fit in your trash receptacle
No Construction Debris
No Concrete/Asphalt/Sheetrock
No Hazardous or Toxic Materials
No Paint
No Dirt or Sod
No Liquids of Any Form
No Yard Waste
No Dead Animals
No Glass or Mirrors
No Televisions or Computer Monitors
No Fencing
No Commercial or Business Waste
No Pressure Treated Wood
No Railroad Ties

How do I dispose of…?


Many household hazardous products, such as oven cleaners, paint removers, bug killers, solvents and drain cleaners, found in homes contain chemicals that are potentially harmful to both people and the environment. Disposal of these products requires special attention.  You can dispose of Household Hazardous Waste at:

Morgan Road Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
1710 Morgan Road, Modesto
(209) 525-6789

The facility is open nearly every Friday and Saturday from 8 AM to 12 PM. Please call to confirm hours. California State law prohibits leaving hazardous materials at the Waste Collection Facility before hours, after hours, or when an operator is not present. The load limit is 15 gallons or 125 lbs.

Not all types of waste is accepted at the facility.  Please see below for acceptable and unacceptable material types.

Antifreeze Ammunition
Batteries Asbestos
Brake Fluid Cooking Oil
Carburetor Cleaner Dried Paint
Gasoline/Diesel Fuel Explosives
Road Flares Hard Concrete
Used Oil/Oil Filters Empty Containers
Charcoal/Lighter Fluid Pharmaceutical Waste
Fertilizers Radioactive Waste
Herbicides/Pesticides Tires
Pool/Spa Chemicals Welding/Oxygen Cylinders
Aerosol Products Propane Cylinders larger than 5 gal.
Drain Cleaners Commercial Ag. Chemicals
Paint/Paint Thinner (New & Used) Out of County Waste
Mercury Thermostats
Roof Tar

You can dispose of Electronic Waste at:

Morgan Road Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
1710 Morgan Road, Modesto
(209) 525-6789

The facility is open nearly every Friday and Saturday from 8 AM to 12 PM. Please call to confirm hours. The load limit is 15 gallons or 125 lbs.

NOTE: Please remove batteries from all devices and tape terminals with clear tape if possible. 

Not all types of waste is accepted at the facility.  Please see below for acceptable and unacceptable material types.

Cables & Cords Air Conditioners
Cell Phones Dishwasher
Computers Washers/Dryers
Computer Monitors Freezers
Copy Machines Stoves/Ovens
DVD Players Refrigerators
Fax Machines CDs, DVDs & VHS Tapes
VCRs Solar Lighting/Panels
Microwave Ovens Smoke Detectors
Printers Water Heaters
Telephones Wood Speakers
Fluorescent Tubes (limit 10)
Vacuum Cleaners

When fats, oils, and grease (FOG) is poured down kitchen drains, it accumulates inside sewer system pipes. As FOG builds up, it restricts the flow in the pipes and can cause untreated wastewater to back up into homes, businesses and streets, resulting in high costs for clean up and restoration.

Here’s how to protect the pipes in your home and business and the City’s collection system pipelines:

* Pour small amounts of grease into a nonrecyclable container (juice can, empty milk carton, coffee cans, pet food cans). Make sure the grease hardens before disposing of it in the trash.* Before washing, scrape and dry wipe pots, pans and dishes with paper towels and dispose of materials in the trash.

* Use sink strainer to catch food items, and then empty the strainer into your compost bin or trash.

* Never pour FOG down sink drains, garbage disposal or toilets.* Never send food scraps down the garbage disposal.

* Never dispose of FOG outside, on the ground, or down the stormdrain.

* Never pour hot water and detergent down the drain with grease.


Recycle used oil and used filters at these Certified Collection Centers. Call 1-800-CleanUp or go to for additional locations.

The businesses listed here will accept up to 5 gallons of used motor oil from Stanislaus County residents during regular business hours.  Sometimes the oil storage tanks at these businesses are full; to be sure they will accept your oil, please call ahead.

11950 Yosemite Blvd, Waterford
(209) 874-9580
Curt’s Auto/RV Repair
195 S. Pasadena Ave, Waterford
(209) 874-1835
O’Reilly Auto Parts
12122 Yosemite Blvd, Waterford
(209) 874-5256

You can dispose of batteries at:

Morgan Road Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
1710 Morgan Road, Modesto
(209) 525-6789

The facility is open nearly every Friday and Saturday from 8 AM to 12 PM. Please call to confirm hours. California State law prohibits leaving hazardous materials at the Waste Collection Facility before hours, after hours, or when an operator is not present. The load limit is 15 gallons or 125 lbs.


Please take your used pharmaceutical waste to the following disposal box locations. Only pills, liquids and over-the-counter medicines are accepted at these sites. No syringes will be accepted.

Waterford Police Services
115 E Street, Waterford
(209) 874-2349
Mon-Thurs 8AM-5PM
Oakdale Police Department
245 N. Second Ave, Oakdale
(209) 847-2231
Mon-Fri 8AM-4PM
Modesto Police Department
600 10th Street, Modesto
(209) 572-9500
Mon & Tues 8AM-5PM
Wed & Thurs 8AM-6PM
Turlock Police Department
244 N. Broadway, Turlock
(209) 668-5550
Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM

Riverbank Police Services

6727 Third Street, Riverbank
(209) 869-7162
Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM
Hughson Police Services
7018 Pine Street, Hughson
(209) 883-4052
Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM
Ceres Police Department
2727 Third Street, Ceres
(209) 538-5713
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM

Patterson Police Services

33 S Del Puerto Ave, Patterson
(209) 832-5071
Mon-Fri 8AM-4:30PM
Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department
250 Hackett Road, Modesto
(209) 525-7115
Mon-Thurs 8AM-3PM

You can dispose of Home-Generated Sharps at:

Morgan Road Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
1710 Morgan Road, Modesto
(209) 525-6789

  • Only home generated sharps will be accepted
  • All sharps (even unused) must be stored in a rigid container
  • Containers must be rigid  plastic, sealed, do not leak, and cannot be easily reopened
  • No glass or cardboard containers will be accepted
  • Examples of acceptable containers include: empty soda bottles, coffee cans, juice bottles, laundry bottles, etc.

Some companies sell containers, and provide mail back service for sharps. Call (209) 525-6700 for information.

Note: Do not mix medications with sharps. 

101 E. Street
Waterford, CA 95386
Phone: (209) 874-2328
Fax: (209) 874-9656
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